What is Pi Network?

Make money free
7 min readJun 21, 2020


Pi Network is a new and only exploited cryptocurrency on phones, but this is a new type of digital mining that doesn’t take up CPU resources like other mining apps. Other mining apps like ETN will use the CPU to decode the algorithm (ETN uses the cryptonight algorithm). As for PI Network, when mining coins, the phone does not feel hot. You can also turn off the app, turn off the network and you can dig just after every 24 hours into the app and click on the Power (thunder sign) to continue digging.

Pi Network was developed by Stanford doctors and lecturers to spread the cryptocurrency to more people with a simple application that anyone can use. The core team of PI includes:

  • Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis: Chief Technology Officer
  • Dr. Chengdiao Fan: Head of the product department
  • Vincent McPhillips: Community leader.

You can use google to check the information about this team. PI’s official website: https://minepi.com/

The Pi network differs from some other cryptocurrencies in that it was created and mined first. When you start mining every day on the Pi network application, you are simply distributed a set amount of coins per hour. Because the coins are pre-created, your phone does not perform any heavy computing tasks and the powerful impact is minimal.
The Pi network has just surpassed 100,000 users — more than all other cryptocurrencies combined — and the founding team is eager to set PI into the first mass-accepted cryptocurrency world in the world. gender. The amount of Pi coin distribution will be based on each 10-fold increase in the base user, the mining rate will be halved, so those who enter the mining pool are significantly earlier than the late participants.
Pi Network was released in the last month of May 2019. After surpassing 100K users, the speed of exploitation was halved to 0.39 Pi/hour. After 1M users, it will be halved to 0.19 Pi/hour, and then at 10M, it will be halved to 0.09 Pi/hour.

Is Pi network fraud?

Through the above studies, the answer is definitely not, Because PI does not sell ICOs, ITOs, CEOs, or the like of course you will not lose money. But there is no guarantee that the project will succeed, but the Pi team will do its best to make their dreams come true while maintaining high standards of transparency.

The calculation of the number of shared exploits is F x 25% x 0.20 Pi / h (F is your referral)

The default will be 1 x 25% x 0.20 = 0.05 Pi / h. So the greater the F-number of Pi we claim per hour.

As shown below, there are 3F (and 1 sponsor), the number of Pi networks being exploited is a total of 0.39 / h. You note that the F must exploit (press the lightning every day, then you will be counted 25% offline). And now Pi only counts up to F1.

How to exploit Pi Network

Make money online on Pi Network

Step 1. Visit https://minepi.com to download the app

or you go straight to the app store for iPhone and CHPlay for Android and find an app called minepi . (App picture as below).

After downloading you register for an account.

In this step, you can optionally register your account with Facebook or phone number up to you. I encourage you to register with your phone number to verify later.

Select Vietnam and enter the phone number then press Go.

This step enter the password and confirm the password.

This step enter the information about your name. Note Username (this is for me to log in to the app, don’t forget this one). Then you click Submit to move to the final step.

This last step you enter the referral code is thinhk411 (this is your referral code) or you can enter anyone else’s code as well. But enter your code, thank you very much.

Invitation code: thinhk411

After completing the registration will go to this step.

You click on the icon Lightning sign to exploit the dentist. Note that every 24 hours you go back to the app and click

How to get referral codes and Pi network verification.

After you have completed the registration, I will introduce you to the steps to get a referral code to introduce to others.

Please click on the image above. Then select Profile (please note that the verification of accounts is very important because only verified accounts can conduct transactions).

Then the screen will look like this

That’s it, just leave it now or go to introduce to friends and friends to earn a lot of Pi Coin.

How to verify your Pi network account.

At the main screen, click on the image you select Profile then the screen will

You choose VERIFY to conduct verification of your account offline.

There will be 2 options for confirmation now. The first is to receive a confirmation code (US and Canada only). The second is to send a message to Pi Network. You must select option 2 and press START.

Then go to Open SMS to Pi Network compose a 4-digit message.

Note that PI will generate four random digits and you do not need to edit anything more just press send offline.

Because it is sending a message abroad, it will cost you to send the message (about 2000 VND offline).

The screen like this has successfully verified it.

What is the Pi Network security circle?

A security circle is a group of 3–5 trusted people built by each Pi member, to prevent fraudulent transactions.

After 3 days of digging Pi or 3 times you exploit, the security circle will be opened, here you will add people you trust to dig Pi faster.

Please click to proceed with adding more people.

The note you add 3–5 more offline. (Maximum of 5 people, the picture above is I have added a full 5 people but the picture did not see all).

What is the value of Pi Network?

Pi has an approximate value of 0 USD. Yes! If there is no value, what do we dig for? Also, you’ll wonder when Pi will be valuable. While everyone thinks Pi has no value and doesn’t participate, just like Bitcoin at birth has no value, so join the Pi network to store today.

Pi hoarders have 2 options for converting Pi into cash:

  1. Buy goods and services directly with your Pi. Pi Network is building a peer-to-peer market where members can directly spend Pi to buy goods and services. Pi Network aims to begin testing the in-app transfer of Pi immediately after Q4 2019.
  2. Exchange Pi for cash on cryptocurrency exchanges. Pi will be able to trade during the third phase of the project, such as launching the Mainnet … At that time, exchanges may choose to list Pi. At the moment, the Pi development team focuses on following the technical roadmap to reach stage 3.

For example, in 2015, in MMO communities, they raced to receive a free coin called Raiblocks (XRB) by typing captcha, each time such a lot of XRB, it can be said that the day that XRB has no value, almost $0. Later in early 2018 when Raiblocks changed its name to a NANO project, culminating with a NANO coin of $ 34, sweeping away the dream of millionaires of MMO people, because, at the time of mining XRB, they sold at very high prices. dirt cheap for each other. You can refer to the NANO price chart here: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nano/#.XogHG-O57N8.link

How to withdraw money from Pi Network

Currently, you cannot draw pi yet. You will be able to withdraw Pi or exchange Pi for other currencies during Phase 3 of the project, when Pi switched to a completely decentralized blockchain.

According to the roadmap, Phase 1 of the Pi project is on March 14, 2019 (Pi Day). In Stage 1, your balance is being recorded to wait for the day Pi reaches the mainnet (Phase 3). The transfer or withdrawal of Pi is restricted until the main net launch, to prevent fraudulent actions, such as clone users to dig Pi, then transfer Pi to another account and legalize the process. verify your account and use that nefarious Pi number.

Where to buy and sell Pi Network?

Currently, only AAcoin listed coin https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/pi-network/

However, the form of a short sale, that is, they buy and sell Pi but do not actually own any Pi. Because Pi has not been withdrawn until phase 3 (mainnet), therefore all Pi exchanges are scams. The PI CORE team also issued a warning about this, on the other hand, users should not trade Pi transactions outside the black market through the form of selling accounts because there is a lot of risks and the price of PI can not be assessed.

We also recommend that you should not buy and sell but introduce and exploit for yourself. For more information about the project, you can visit the PI home page via the link below. I wish us good luck and hope the project will succeed.

Link to learn about pi network project: https://minepi.com/ .

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